The Crusades:
Campaigns and Outcomes

Welcome back!
So far, we have looked at the role of the Church in the Middle Ages, and the causes and motives of the crusades. Today, we look at the crusades themselves - what happened and what was the impact!

Watch a video
Collaborate and research the eight major crusades
Begin creating a video advertising one crusade of your choice
Listen up!
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Watch from 5:19

In your project group, on a shared Google Doc, research the eight major crusades, including:
date, key figures (+ who called the crusade), causes and goals, what happened, and whether the crusade succeeded or failed.
Collaborative Research
Can't remember how to collaborate?
Go back to yesterday's lesson!

Download as a PDF and...

Video Project
You may want to check out the rubric:
Teacher Note
Prepare green screen, props, costumes, cameras (or they can use their phone), etc.
This is your assignment:
In your project group, create a 3-4 minute video advertising one of the eight major crusades, and indicate the outcome/result of your chosen crusade.
Use your mind-map from Lesson 1 to inform the setting, and use your persuasive speech from Lesson 2 as basis for your script.
You may also want to directly reference your map from Lesson 2.

Use iMovie!
(if you do not have it installed, go to the App Store and download the free app)
How to use Green Screen
Create - Edit - Export
Complete and submit your group video project, and individual evaluations, by the end of the week.
Lesson Checklist

Watched a video on the crusade campaigns.
Collaborated and researched the eight major crusades.
Engaged with lesson content and began creating a group video project advertising a crusade.
Put your names in the file title!
Clker-Free-Vector-Images. (2014). [Scroll Roll Manuscript Parchment Paper Document].
Sebacalka. (2017). [Medieval knight on horse in battle]
Janson_G. (2017). [Knight Crusader Isolated Coat of Arms Sign]
Shigeyama, Yoichiro. (2013). [Screenshot スクリーンショット]