Brainstorm causes/motives in response to a video
Draw a map of Islamic Expansion in Europe
Write a persuasive speech giving reasons for joining a crusade

Hello again!
Last lesson, we looked at the role and influence of the Church during the Middle Ages.
Today, we'll be looking at the crusades!
Listen to this!
CRUSADES: a series of military campaigns organised by Christian powers in order to retake the Holy Land back from Muslim control (1096-1270 AD).
Video and Brainstorm
Watch from 0:00 to 5:18
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Interact with the AnswerGarden and brainstorm, with the class, some causes/motives of the crusades mentioned in the video.
Cause of the crusades (Seljuk Turks)
Organised, aggressive, and effective
Oppressive and brutal
Expanding by force was seen as legitimate at the time
The Middle Ages marked by “a society where violence was endemic and in itself unremarkable” (Bull, Origins, 1995)
Listen to this audio!
Mapping Islamic Expansion

Dr Bill Warner accumulated some 548 battles that Islam fought – this is mainly Europe, it doesn’t include what went on in Africa, India and Afghanistan.
JIHAD (Islam)
CRUSADES (Christianity)
Draw a rough map indicating the extent of Islamic Expansion!
Never used Kleki before?
This video might help!

Download your map and...

Persuasive Speech
You're a preacher looking for recruits. Write a short persuasive speech listing reasons why people should join your crusade.

Read and use these sources!
Collaborate with your team on Google Docs!
Lay preachers had an enormous effect - travelling around Europe and persuading people to come to the Holy Land.
NOTE: This speech will be the basis for your video project script. Act as an advertiser!
Start thinking about how you will complete your final video project.

Don't know how to collaborate? Follow these steps!

Download your speech as a PDF and...

Watched a video on the causes of the crusades and participated in a class brainstorm on video content.
Listened to various audios on Islamic Expansion and submitted a digitally-drawn map of Islamic Expansion.
Read various given sources and submitted a collaborative persuasive speech listing reasons why people should join a crusade.
Lesson Checklist
Clker-Free-Vector-Images. (2014). [Scroll Roll Manuscript Parchment Paper Document].
Denys. (2007). [Chatillon Urbain2]
Lawrence OP. (2010). [St Augustine]