Side-by-Side: Fetal Development & Abortion
On Abortion
There are a number of different dating systems for pregnancy, the most commonly used being “gestational age” (ga.), which begins from the start of the woman's last menstrual period and dates fertilisation at two weeks along. “Fertilisation age” (fa.) begins on the day of fertilisation, and “implantation age” begins at implantation.
Embryonic Stage
Weeks 3-10 ga. mark the embryonic period, playing an important role in the development of the brain.
At 3-4 weeks fa., a heartbeat can be detected. About 4 weeks fa., the neural tube forms (and with it, brain vesicles form), later to develop into the central nervous system (i.e., the spinal cord and brain). Around 4 weeks ga., the head begins to form, soon followed by distinct facial features. The blood vessel (later to become the heart) begins to pulse, and a heartbeat can be detected later by ultrasound at 6-7 weeks ga.. During week 5 ga., stubs appear that will form arms and legs. It is around this time that most women become aware of their pregnancy (4-7, or more commonly 5-6, weeks ga.).
Around week 7 ga., the embryo begins to develop their first sense – touch. By week 8 ga., fingers have begun to form, the embryo has all of its basic organs (aside from sex organs), and the production of brain cells begins. By 8 weeks ga., ultrasounds reveal the embryo moving, and electrical impulses can be detected (indicating the beginnings of brain function). In week 9 ga., the embryo can suck her thumb, open and close her jaw, stretch, and sigh. By the end of the embryonic stage, cell differentiation is mostly complete. The basic structures of the brain, central nervous system, and peripheral nervous system have been established, and rudimentary neural networks begin to form as neurons form connections with other neural cells.
Most abortions take place during the embryonic stage, and a remaining 20% take place later.
Abortion pill: The woman is given pills to kill the embryo. If this does not work, she is given a second drug to cause cramps and expel the embryo. The woman will experience cramps and bleeding. Manual vacuum aspiration: The abortionist uses a thin tube, inserted into the uterus, and a syringe to suck out the embryo. The vacuum suction is weak, so the child is ripped apart slowly. | ![]() | These procedures are used at up to 7 weeks gestation. According to the CDC, 45.3% of abortions took place at ≤6 weeks gestation in the US, 2020. |
Suction curettage: An abortionist uses rods (or medication) to dilate the woman’s cervix in order to get their instruments through to the uterus. A tube is inserted into the uterus and is connected to a suction machine – the force of the suction is 10-20x that of a normal house vacuum. Baby does not come out whole, but is sucked out piece by piece – arms, legs, hands, etc. The abortionist may use a loop-shaped knife tool to scrape the remaining parts out of the uterus. They may then take the contents and piece back the body, to make sure all body parts have been removed and nothing is left in the mother. | ![]() | This procedure is used at 6-14 weeks gestation. In the US, 2020, 35.6% of abortions took place at 7-9 weeks gestation, and 12.2% at 10-13 weeks. An additional 2.7% took place at 14-15 weeks gestation. |
Fetal Stage
The remainder of the pregnancy is termed the “fetal stage.” Systems/structures established in the previous stage continue to develop. Between 9-12 weeks ga., reflexes begin to emerge, and the fetus begins to make motions with its arms and legs. By the end of the third month ga., all parts of the body are formed. This marks the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. During the second trimester, the fetus increases six times in size. The heart grows stronger, body systems develop further, and hair, lashes, and nails form. By the end of the trimester, the central nervous system becomes more responsive, and brain activity resembles that of a sleeping newborn. A baby born at this stage has a slim, but possible, chance of survival. In fact, fetuses born too early have been known to be saveable at as early as 21 weeks ga..
The third and final trimester continues development and growth, and muscles in the lungs prepare for breathing. Childbirth, on average, occurs at 40 weeks ga..
Dilation and evacuation: A second trimester abortion. The preborn baby is too large for suction. An abortionist dilates the cervix (larger than previous) by inserting rods a least a day before the abortion. The mother is given anaesthesia for the pain, and a suction tube is used to remove the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. Inserting forceps (i.e., a sopher clamp), the abortionist then twists, dismembers, and pulls out parts of the fetus – an arm, leg, etc. Because the head is larger (maybe the size of a plum), it is crushed, white material (i.e., brain) runs out of the cervix, and a rotating technique is employed to avoid cutting the woman upon removal. The abortionist then scrapes out any remaining tissue and assembles the baby’s parts on a tray, to determine if any part of the body is missing. | ![]() | This procedure is used at 13-24 weeks gestation. According to the CDC, 2.7% of abortions took place at 14-15 weeks gestation in the US, 2020. An additional 1.6% at 16-17 weeks, 1.5% at 18-20 weeks, and 0.9% at ≥21. This totals to at least 6.7% of abortions taking place at ≥14 weeks. |
Dilation and extraction: Days are dedicated to dilating the cervix with various dilators. The abortionist uses ultrasound to locate the legs and begins to remove the fetus starting from the feet to the head. Scissors are inserted into the base of the skull, creating an opening for a suction tube to remove the brain. The skull collapses and is removed. This, and similar procedures, have also been termed a "partial-birth abortion." Intracardiac injection abortion: A third trimester abortion. The preborn baby is injected with a drug to cause cardiac arrest, usually killing it. Dilators are used to open the cervix so that the baby can be delivered. The baby is later checked, and if alive, is injected again. The woman will eventually have contractions and deliver a dead baby. | ![]() | Dilation and extraction is used from 20 weeks gestation. Intracardiac injection abortion is used from 25 weeks gestation. In the US, 2020, 0.9% of abortions took place at ≥21 weeks gestation. This was a total of 4382 abortions. |