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A Culture of Death

On Abortion

Increasing support for the accessibility of abortion is evidence of the emergence of a "culture of death." John Paul II writes:

This culture is actively fostered by powerful cultural, economic and political currents which encourage an idea of society excessively concerned with efficiency. Looking at the situation from this point of view, it is possible to speak in a certain sense of a war of the powerful against the weak: a life which would require greater acceptance, love and care is considered useless, or held to be an intolerable burden, and is therefore rejected in one way or another. A person who, because of illness, handicap or, more simply, just by existing, compromises the well-being or life-style of those who are more favoured tends to be looked upon as an enemy to be resisted or eliminated. In this way a kind of "conspiracy against life" is unleashed. (Evangelium Vitae, 1995).

In recent times, we have seen sex-selective abortions and instances of women aborting one child in order to escape having twins. We have seen sick infants intentionally be left to die. Cosmopolitan magazine has promoted Satanic Abortion Clinics and has shared instructions for how to have a "Satanic Abortion Ceremony." Brett Cooper, of the Daily Wire, rightly compares this to child sacrifice. In ancient times, child sacrifice was done to appease a deity, in order to achieve a desired result. In modern times, we see children sacrificed to appease oneself, for the sake of their material success, career, more time, freedom, etc. Abortion is when you sacrifice a child's life for your own benefit.

The trademark of a culture of death is the use of euphemisms to disguise and soften reality – to make something appear civil when it is not. It’s not euthanasia, it’s “dying with dignity.” It’s not pro-abortion, it’s “pro-choice.” It’s not a baby, it’s “pregnancy tissue,” a mere “product of conception.” In an appearance on The View, Anne Hathaway states, "abortion can be another word for mercy." In a leaked video presentation, the US Department of Veterans Affairs instructs staff to use the terms "person" instead of "mother," "uterus" instead of "womb," and "cardiac activity" instead of "heartbeat."

Members of a culture of death will be unwilling to describe the reality honestly or in any detail. They would rather focus on their idea about the matter, as opposed to the matter itself. Carl Braaten writes:

The culture of death is essentially marked by the business of redefinition... In order to deceive ourselves about the reality we create, we cannot but buffer our killing with a language which suggests we are doing something else: hence we invest our language with academic unintelligibility… with euphemistic attributes… or a perverted grammar… (I Am the Lord Your God, 2005).

The abortion-supporter will use your suffering to sell it to you and your shame to make you avoid the reality, all while having autonomy and selfishness as the real end goal. Braaten writes that we wilfully redefine sex, family, and even life to suit our purposes, even to the point of simply contradicting ourselves in a kind of double-speak. Peter Hitchens states in an interview that, without absolute law, a person can argue himself into any appalling position without even realising it. Such sophistry often leads to rationalising the demonisation and/or dehumanisation of those on the other side. “It’s not a person, it’s a fetus! It’s not a person, it’s a Jew!” Somehow, mankind has deceived himself into believing that he has the power to arbitrarily distort the definitions of reality. But the reality is this: In pregnancy, you become a mother, and by abortion, you become the mother of a dead child.

Now ask yourself,

Should this really be legalised?

• Christians can find glory in suffering, freedom from sin, and confidence in Christ.

• I personally believe that abortion should be criminalised.


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